
Bluehost has been providing quality web hosting solutions to businesses and individuals since 1996. Their goal is to provide outstanding services for the best possible price. To achieve these goals they’re constantly innovating and upgrading their services at no additional cost to their customers. Join the millions of other website owners that have already chosen Bluehost and see how they can help you with your site.

Code Poet

If you use WordPress to build things for other people, we want to make your life easier. No matter whether you freelance on a solo basis, lead a small web shop, make plugins in a dark closet, or crack the whip at a large design firm, our aim is to become your go-to source of information and resources to help you expand your WordPress skills and know-how. To make you better at what you do. To make it easier to make your living and look great doing it.

You’re part of a tribe of WordPress designers and developers over 10,000 strong, spanning the entire globe. aims to bring the working knowledge and real world strategies of those people into one place, for you tap into.

WP Engine

WP Engine is the one of the most mature premium managed hosting platforms for websites and apps built with WordPress. WP Engine powers tens of thousands of websites, delivering the fastest, most reliable, and most secure web experience. Businesses large and small have come to rely on WP Engine’s exceptional customer service team that specializes in solving problems ranging from troubleshooting plugins, making themes scalable, and mitigating site migration headaches.

Developers love WP Engine because they know that the ‘WP Engineers’ understand the challenges of developing WordPress sites, and have built an entire development toolkit with features like the one-click staging area, and .git for version control and deployment. Customers of all kinds trust WP Engine because they know how easy it is to set-up an account, build a WordPress site, and rest easy because a real human is always available to help with technical issues.

WP Engine was founded by Jason Cohen, founder of A Smart Bear Software and, and Ben Metcalfe, formerly director of Platform at MySpace, as well as part of the original BBC platform team.

WP Engine was the first WordPress host to receive strategic investment from Automattic, the company behind WordPress.